Ok, I know I've posted about radio stations before but I've gotten very frustrated with what I once proclaimed was the best radio station in Louisville, 93.1 The Fox. It used to be a decent station because it mixed classic and new rock with a pretty even split. They also had Mandatory Metallica every night at 6:00. And their playlist was large. Well guess what? The station seemed to have sold out. And even worse...it's still the best station in Louisville.
The biggest problem I have is they got rid of Mandatory Metallica!! I don't know if they changed times or something, but as far as I know, it's gone completely. So now they very rarely play Metallica, and what songs they do play seem to be limited to "Nothing Else Matters." I refuse to make this excellent song turn into for me what "Sweet Child of Mine" has...a fantstic, but grossly overplayed radio song.
And speaking of overplayed radio songs, The Fox has become a terrible culprit of playing the same few songs into the ground. Their playlist seems to have shrunk to nearly nothing. And their most-played songs (or what I call their "Top 3") only change every few months. And these songs generally tend to be true pieces of shit. Right now there is a very clear Top 3, with 4-7 or so being close on their tail (Yeah, there's also a Top 7). But the Top 3 stick out because of the horrendous rate at which they are played. So I'm sure by now you're asking what these Top 3 fantastic songs are, that are so good that they need to be pounded into our eardrums at a rate of roughly 1.5 per hour (meaning I personally believe that if you listened to The Fox for 24 hours, you would hear these 3 songs in some combination a total of 36 times). I would actually love to put this theory to the test if I had the time.
As for the songs, here they are in no particular order: "Uprising" by Muse, "Panic Switch" by Silversun Pickups, and "Kings and Queens" by 30 Seconds to Mars. How are those for winners? Not one of these songs has any redeeming value. I have no idea how they got to be so popular because I put each of these in the same boat as any music by Nickelback. Speaking of Nickelback, did I never do a full post on how much I hate them? I meant to do that a long time ago. Hmmm...
But I digress. I have to tell you, that as I was writing this post I was streaming the Fox online, and I was fortunate to hear "Uprising" during my time writing. That gave me some more motivation to write. Actually, right now they're playing another of their top 7 or so, "Just Breathe" by Pearl Jam. That probably ranks about 5 or 6 right now. But of the top 7 songs, the only one that's really any good is "Savior" by Rise Against. I don't know why I like this song so much, but I think it's damn good. Anyone can disagree with me, but I enjoy that tune.
To finish off, I have to go back to those Top 3 songs and make the comment that not only are the songs terrible, but how the FUCK did these groups come up with their band names?? These are some of the worst band names I've ever heard. I mean, I guess band names in general are pretty strange, but seriously, Muse, 30 Seconds to Mars....Silversun Pickups?!?!?!? Go onto their Wikipedia page and read their explanation...idiots. At least Rise Against had a pretty decent band name...I wonder if that band name and the song "Savior" would hold up if The Fox played good music. I guess I'll never know. But despite all of this, I'll still listen to The Fox because it is, what I like to call "The Least Shitty of Them All."
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