Why is it that whenever you have a lot going on in your life, you are more motivated to get things done. It seems that if there's a time where I'm busy as hell, with very little time to myself, I am more motivated to do the tasks in my life that need doing. For example, when I would work 50+ hour weeks at work last year, I would also be motivated to get my schoolwork done well in advance. I'm not the busiest person in the world, but I have a lot on my plate. I recently quit my job and now work part time, but I also coach track, go to school full time, and am a serious runner who runs hard on a nearly daily basis. However, since I quit my job, things have gone downhill. I procrastinate more on my schoolwork, don't put as much into my coaching, and don't run as much. On days I work, I get my schoolwork done, try to run, and look forward to coaching. It's incredible how my life is black and white like this. I have a very large "To-do" list of things I need to get done by May 1 (incidentally one of my favorite days of the year). Instead of getting started on this list this week during my spring break, I haven't even written the damn list!! I've been pretty much worthless the last two days. Hopefully things can change for me, but it will take effort on my part, and I don't know if I have to motivation to put forth that effort.
Why is it that when you have roommates, you all seem to buy the same groceries at the same time? Two days ago, we were out of milk, trash bags, and paper towels. As of today, we still don't have paper towels, but we have 3 packages of trash bags and 4 (yes 4!!!!!) gallons of milk. We have an entire shelf taken up with milk right now. The pathetic thing is that it will be gone by week's end, and we will probably go shopping again on Saturday for more before the $1 half gallon sale ends (yes, that 4 gallons is made up of 8 half gallon containers...fantastic).
Why is it that dogs eat their own shit? I don't know. Actually, I don't think dogs eat their own shit, they hate the smell. They like the smell (and seemingly the taste) of other dogs' shit. We have 3 dogs at some points in this house, and they feast on each others' feces. We've done a pretty good job of weaning them of this habit, but it's definitely still a work in progress. The only time I let my dog lick me now is when he hasn't been outside on his own for hours.