Well, science has dropped another bombshell on the world. You always hear people say that just about everything these days causes cancer, and it's all because every 6 months, scientists come out with a new study saying something new does just that. Before we know it, scientists will tell us that breathing causes cancer, so we all need to have oxygen pumped straight into our lungs in order to avoid this.
The latest cancer-causing agent is plastic water bottles. Now I've heard over the past several years that the bottles you buy water in at the stores are bad for refilling, but I've done that anyway. What I've always been told is that you can use one of these about 3 times before the plastic starts breaking down and leaching chemicals into your water. So for about 3 years in high school, I drank quite a bit of cancer-laced water. In an effort to avoid this and also to help the environment I decided about 2 years ago to begin using one of those large plastic bottles they sell in stores that can hold about 32 oz. of water and can be re-used countless times. Now I'm not only avoiding cancer, but I'm saving the environment. WRONG!!
Now it seems that these bottles also leak chemicals into your water after several uses and after washing. So that brings my tally up to 5 years of chemical-laced water ingestion. So what's the answer? The answer, of course, is for some company to take advantage of this fact and the fear of death that runs rampant in our country and try to make a profit. Enter the Klean Kanteen.
These bottles were made entirely to take advantage of the fact that other water bottles cause pollution, cancer, and probably herpes. So now, for the low, low price of only $19.95+shipping you can buy a Klean Kanteen. This bottle is made of stainless steel and is advertised as NEVER leaking cancer-causing chemicals into your water. They are incredibly durable, do not break down, and are good for the environment. And the best part: You won't DIE from drinking water out of them.
Now I'm not saying this is some rich American corporation that is trying to take advantage of people's worst fears, because there are other companies all over that make the same bottles. And they really are good for the environment, because when you think about it, how many plastic water bottles are really ever recycled compared to those that just get thrown out. So this is definitely a good thing for our planet, but the fact that you need to pay roughly $25 to get a 27 oz. metal water bottle in the mail is absurd. But I guess that is the price you pay to feel safe while drinking water. I never knew that in the act of hydrating, I was slowly killing myself. So is $25 worth spending to save myself from a slow, painful death?.....
My Klean Kanteen came in the mail last Friday.
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