The weather: this is a topic in which both Louisville and St. Louis suck. While I am a fan of having four seasons, I would say these four seasons have become increasingly hard to distinguish over the past decade. Maybe global warming or some other environmental shit is to blame, but who knows. All I know is that living in a river valley in the midwest or mid-south is terrible about 8 months of the year.
Right now it is raining. I would say that in the past 45 days, we've probably had 38 with precipitation. I think the same can probably be said for St. Louis. 3 weeks ago here in Louisville we had a foot of snow on the ground. 4 weeks ago St. Louis had a foot of snow on the ground. About 5 days after that snow fell in St. Louis the temperatures reached the high 60's here in Louisville, only to be followed by the foot of snow I mentioned.
The rain we are getting right now is not supposed to end for at least 10 days. 10 DAYS!!! The Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, and Meremac rivers are already flooding. What the hell is 10 days of rain going to do to that!?!?! I guess here in Louisville the only way we're going to find out what happens to the rivers here in town is if the University of Louisville doesn't go to the Final Four, because they're playing tonight and possibly Saturday. So City Hall may get swept away in a flood, but that could possibly be ignored in the local paper if U of L makes the Final Four.
Ok, back from that tangent about the paper because I already did that. Not only has the weather been wet, but all winter we fluctuated by bitter cold spells interspersed by these warm spells that would last about 3 days and get into the 50's. Then when the temperature would drop again, it would rain or snow. The same thing is happening now. We're in a warming trend and it's causing it to rain nonstop.
Now I'm not one to complain about warm weather, but this is ridiculous. I hate winter, but I do better when it's in the 30's all winter with some cold spells than when I get teased with 55 degree weather in January. I remember two consecutive New Years Days (I believe '04 and '05) where the temperatures reached the high 60's or 70's and I was running outside in shorts and short sleeves. I also remember a time in high school where I was out cutting grass, once again in shorts and short sleeves, and I specifically remember the date being December 15!!!
What about the summers, you may ask. Well they aren't so bad if you love heat and humidity. In July and August the heat index regularly gets up over 100 and just walking outside causes you to sweat profusely. But this has one advantage I've found. If you're like me and occasionally have a problem with wrinkled clothes, a 5 minute walk outside in July unwrinkles those clothes right up...if you don't believe me just try it one day where the temperature is 93 and the heat index is 105. Step outside for a few minutes then give your shirt the old hand press and there you have more wrinkles.
Now I really enjoy the heat. I'll get out and run at noon on the hottest day of the year because it's so great, and I revel in the fact that I'm one of a very few who aren't whining and wishing for October. Give me 95 degrees any day over 20 degrees and windy. So I guess the moral of this blog is that even though I love the areas I've spent my entire life, the weather sucks and it always will. But you learn to live with it and enjoy the good days when you can.
a huge update on my Pennsylvania training. Last night was my biggest test to date, and I was up to the challenge. My dinner consisted of about 12 oz. of powerade, 1 whole frozen pizza, and YES, 1 WHOLE HEAD OF LETTUCE!!!!!!! All consumed in a speedy 41 minutes. Now anyone who scoffs at this should try just the lettuce. Once I cut that shit up it filled a huge bowl. You wouldn't believe how much lettuce that really is. But I did it and barely even doubted myself. The only problem I had was that the lettuce taste got old really quickly. But some lowfat raspberry vinaigrette dressing did the trick and made it much easier. The pizza was easy because it really tasted exquisite after eating a bunch of lettuce, and would be a good break from that immense salad. So I am now supremely confident that I will, in fact, conquer the 2 lb. burger at Denny's.

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